Unseen Dangers of Flood Damage in a Alexandria Home
4/25/2018 (Permalink)

Stormwater Cleanup and Restoration is a Hallmark of SERVPRO Expertise
When something avoids making itself known, either because of its size or surroundings, many people tend to forget that it exists. During a flood in central Louisiana, hidden dangers such as pathogens or jagged, splintered building materials can stay underwater and out of sight but still present and able to injury people.
Alexandria homes sustaining flood damage extraction often harbor such hidden dangers. Because inexperience in such situations can cause costly and possible life-threatening mistakes, restoring your own home can place you or others in harm's way. SERVPRO employees wear personal protective equipment for both large and microscopic hazards while they carry out the restorative work your flooded home requires.
Our other specialized equipment focuses on getting your home dry, and back to a safe, clean condition again. Both help protect both your home and your family from harm. Restoring your residence to a dry state keeps microbial populations under control much more efficiently, and the elimination of any pathogens significantly reduces the risk of your family members contracting any water-borne diseases.
Removing standing water with the use of our large pump trucks happens relatively quickly, from hours to several days. Soggy floors get even more attention from our crew members when we use handheld vacuum extraction units. When we remove the majority of water from carpets and padding, we can more easily roll them up and remove these from your home.
Flooding causes substantial amounts of silt and other debris to become deposited in the fibers and padding. These foreign substances not only make it almost impossible for carpeting ever to become thoroughly dry or completely clean. Odor-causing bacteria can remain an ongoing risk and ever-present reminder of the flood, as well. More cost-effective and safer, new carpeting and padding can make your home like new again.
However, we must dry other components of your home. Walls can absorb substantial moisture during a flood. We remove saturated drywall and twelve inches above the highest watermark to ensure we remove any traces of water that traveled internally via wicking.
Other facets of restoring your home after flooding include sanitizing all surfaces. We remove your furniture so we can wipe down all the surfaces, inside drawers and all shelves, wiping the corners to ensure no debris remains behind to cause harm or let mold grow. Foodstuffs contaminated by flood waters can cause serious health problems if consumed, even when cooked. This happens many times because some bacteria can resist heat, remain viable, and then infect people. The floodwaters may have also carried inorganic matter that could be hazardous to contact to ingest.
For problems with flood damage that affect your home, call SERVPRO of Alexandria at our local number, (318) 427-7511, any day of the year, 24-hours a day. We are always ready to answer your questions and work with you in making your home safe again after this or any other disaster.
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